Giving Thanks to You!
Category:The CineHubIt was 9 years ago that we ventured forward with The CineHub. At that time, in 2013 it was not a sure bet that we would still be open in 2022.
Running a video and film resource center, in the Hudson Valley, has not been easy. It’s a relatively small market for this type of operation (though it is growing). But it was a missing resource for our region and therefore worthy of trying to make a go at it.
Each year, since opening, I would ask my team the same question, “Should we continue”? From a purely business perspective, we probably should have closed after 5 years. But each year, I would reflect on how this hub has connected peers, provided rental gear locally, and helped foster our professional community, and it would make me realize that our success is not measured simply by dollars and cents. It is also measured by the amount of gratitude we’ve received from all of you. And we hear heartfelt words of thanks all the time. It is because of this deep gratitude that we have remained open, in spite of what “good business sense” would dictate. It was just too hard to imagine no longer having this resource that has benefited so many, so we made the effort to keep things going.
So for the next 9 years, (if we should be so lucky) I hope you will continue to express gratitude to The CineHub, with words and deeds, so that we can continue to provide this industry resource, making your lives easier, to the point where I will no longer need to ask that annual question, “should we stay open?” Actually, this year, that question is no longer as big as it once was. The tide is starting to rise for us as well.
In the office, we have a fond way of referring to those who have been the biggest beneficiaries and collaborators of this operation. We call them “hubbers”. I would like to give a particular shout out of thanks to our “hubbers” for what you’ve done to help us get to where we are so far – you know who you are!
Wishing all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Ed, Tara, Aren & Cristina